Libras in corporate videos: Making your communication more inclusive

Integrating Brazilian Sign Language for more comprehensive and responsible communication, reflecting a commitment to diversity and accessibility.

Texto Construir o bem para o mundo com imagem de mulher fazendo língua de sinais.

The inclusion of Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) in corporate videos is more than an accessibility measure; it is a commitment to diversity and social inclusion. This practice reflects not only respect for the deaf community, but also a conscious and responsible business approach.

1. Expanding Access

Including Libras in corporate videos means recognizing and valuing the deaf community. This not only increases accessibility, but also demonstrates a social commitment that can strengthen the brand image and establish a deeper connection with all audiences.

2. Libras in Annual Reports in videos and audiovisual pieces at Events

Understanding the culture and needs of the deaf community is crucial to developing authentic and respectful content. Including Libras in annual video reports and audiovisual pieces for corporate events is a significant step in ensuring that all stakeholders have access to important company information.

3. Inclusion Strategies

Integrating Libras into training or educational videos ensures that all employees and audiences, regardless of their hearing abilities, have equal opportunities for learning and professional development. To this end, the video production company must have experience in producing accessible videos and rely on professionals and suppliers who can translate the content faithfully and professionally.

4. Technology, Innovation and Inclusive Marketing

The use of innovative technologies, such as animated and automatic captions, can also enrich corporate videos, making them accessible to a wider audience. Including Libras in marketing and advertising campaigns broadens the brand’s appeal and highlights the company as a leader in social responsibility.

5. Videos for Social Media, Websites and Benefits of Inclusion

Including Libras in videos for social media and websites can significantly improve accessibility and online reach. In addition to meeting accessibility guidelines, this practice increases audience engagement and can open up new markets and business opportunities.

6. Solutions for Implementing Libras

Implementing Libras in corporate videos can present challenges, such as the need for qualified interpreters and the additional cost of production. However, these challenges can be overcome with careful planning and the use of appropriate technologies, resulting in a return on investment in terms of both social inclusion and brand image.


Adopting Libras in corporate videos is a powerful strategy that aligns companies with the values of diversity and inclusion. This practice not only reinforces the brand's social responsibility, but also promotes a more inclusive and enriching communication environment.

In the Silvertake Video, we are dedicated to leading the shift towards more inclusive corporate communication with Libras. Get in touch with us to transform your corporate videos and effectively connect with a wider audience.

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